Saturday, March 29, 2008

Craft Time

So, we're going to be attempting something new tomorrow at His Place: Craft Time. I think its going to be interesting but I'm hoping for the best. For tomorrow I'm keeping it simple but I foresee paint in more places than I'd like. Oh well.
We're going to be painting wooden shapes (bears and stars) from Michaels then putting magnets on the back so they can put them in their lockers. I think the kids will really enjoy it. I just hope their crafts turn out looking neater than my sample ones. LOL :)

The Seven National Crimes

My minor at Gannon is Leadership. I started taking the first class as a requirement and found it both very interesting and very useful to life so I decided to start taking the rest of the Leadership classes as my minor. To be honest, they are my favorite classes and I learn the most out of them from all my classes.
My final project for Leadership Process is to make a "Leadership Log" or binder on all the different topics of Leadership from past handouts, internet sites, books, magazines, etc. While reading through quotes today on the topic I came across "The Seven National Crimes" according to William Boetcker. I think they are something all Christians should consider because we often say them when dealing with things in the world.

  1. I dont think.
  2. I dont know
  3. I dont care
  4. I am too busy.
  5. I leave well enough alone.
  6. I have no time to read and find out.
  7. I am not interested.
These are not excuses to live by but far to often we do.

Disclaimer: I do not know, yet, who Boetcker is.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Starting Strong...

His Place had 15 kids again this week!!!!! 13 of these kids were the same from the first week and I'm positive they will keep returning. Its amazing! They are very high energetic (but well behaved kids) but I'm glad. Their energy energizes me and keeps me excited about working with them.

So the Easter lesson with them went better for me than the first lesson. I think I said the word "umm" several less times and held their attention better than the first time when I was a little frazzled. The kids really look forward to P.Cals object bag story already though. Theres a group of 4 older elementary girls that just follow his every word. They are great girls just looking to please and help you in anyway. It's going to be an awesome experience see them mature and learn about God. I really cant wait.

Next week we're going to have a ticket pole and give away TONS of easter candy. This past Sunday we had a little egg hunt in the weight room.

With 15 kids already we already need to set up more lockers around the room because some of the kids are sharing lockers and we want them to each be able to have thier own. Some of the girls brought locks for their lockers and you can just see the pride on their face to have their own locker at church. I took their picture on Sunday and we're going to do a craft magnet for each of their lockers.

So needless to say we are starting out strong in His Place ministry and we're going to stay strong through this spring!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

First Day - Psalms 23

Well Pastor Cal and I had a great turn out of kids this morning. 14 or 15 total, mostly girls... It was sooo exciting!!!

Things went very well. We intended on taking the kids upstairs during worship (because the basement can echo a bit) but the turn out upstairs was so good there wasn't really room for the kids upstairs so we brought them down and started making connections. We really want them to know that this is their place and His (Gods) place so we set it up as a hang out area first so we could let the kids have fun and get to know each other and us. Then we started the scary part, my first real lesson. To be honest, it went pretty well, but I was really nervous and a little jumpy. Though I know I'll be less frazzled less week and over time and it was still an amazing experience. Then of course we ended with Pastor Cal's story and object bag. It was so cool to be in the other seat watching the kids listening after many years of being in the listening seat trying to guess the object bag.
God is really opening my eyes to these kids and showing me His work. I am so excited for this experience and I can already see some amazing work God has done at Bridgepoint with these children just over this weekend.

I can't wait to prepare an Easter lesson for next week. I am sooo excited to be working with these kids. The excitement on their faces makes it all the worth while. We're going to have a great Easter Sunday with a game (as soon as I think of a good one...) and CANDY and ticket-pools... It's going to be good.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Begining

Well it has been suggested that I start a blog to document my up-coming internship. I've looked through some blogs and never really thought they were for me but after thinking about it a little I decided it would actually be a good idea for the time. Besides I enjoy writing and it might be a good way to put to use my journalism major at the same time.

A little over a year ago I made a reconnection with a very important mentor in my life. Over the past six months that God has opened up many doors for me, stretching my maturity on many levels. One of those doors opened was through the mentor ship I have with Pastor Cal when he asked me to team up with him in the Children's Ministry department at the Tarentum church opening up on Palm Sunday. This is what I will be trying to document.

All I have to say right now is I am very EXCITED about what God has to do in Tarentum and I know this is going to be an AMAZING experience if I just let everything be God's Plan and not my own ideas. I'm a little frightened to be honest but I know this coming up Sunday and this summer will really work out...