Sunday, April 13, 2008

life lessons vs class

I've been meaning to post about this for quite some time lately but I figured that after I was actually asked about how I feel I am or am not learning working for His Place I really should post about it. Truth is I am completely bored in my classes at school, with the exception of Ms. Kozaks class, but feel that through what I'm doing at Bridge Point and by talking with Pastor Cal I am learning such an incredible amount. There is soo much that I have learned not only about ministry in this past month but also about life, focus, listening, sincereness, patience, and sooo much more (key on the focus part). When I go to classes each day, I barely feel like I am using my brain, let alone being challenged in anything or thinking about much, but I know and can understand what I'm learning through this and impartially working under and with Pastor Cal. When I wish I had stayed at CBC, I remind myself that if I had I would not be having this amazing opportunity, nor learning what or how I am and I am so thankful for the lessons I am being shown by God right now. I can see how He is working among my life and I can see how He is working in the lives of others and its an amazing experience I wouldn't trade for anything.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


The new big thing at His Place is going to be beads, beaded animals to be exact. Before we give the "lesson" each week, we allow the first 1/2 hour or so to connect with the kids, get to know them and just have fun with them (though I sometimes feel like I'm going in 12 directions at once during them time trying to keep things organized and spread out my attention all at once). Even so I've been trying to do some fun crafty things with the kids during this time. Thanks to the help of Mary and Todd Spencer (thanks sooo much) last week we were able to teach the kids how to make beaded lizards and other objects. There is a large group of girls ages around 9-13 and I wanted to really find something they would find interesting to do. I remember making these animals all the time when I was that age with all my girlfriends so I thought they might too. Well it was difficult to explain to them and they did have a lot of difficulties grasping the concept of threading the beads but all together I think by the end they understood and did have a good time. I've decided I'm going to bring the beads back tomorrow. I think that after trying it out last week they will enjoy it more this week (and it will be a lot less stressful too). I'm learning through this time before hand the importance of really connecting with the kids and especially these older girls. They are a close group of friends but thats a tough age for kids and I want them to know that myself and P.Cal are there to help them.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Greenleaf discribes leadership in a servant leadership definition. He says, "The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first." Today in my leadership class we discussed this topic and it reminded me that serving is a word I feel I hear Pastor Cal say to me every time we talk. Greenleaf's definition is a great definition of what I feel Pastor Cal is trying to teach me about working with the kids. Working with children it is important for them to know who the leader is and who holds authority to keep control amoung children, but I am realizing it is just as important to serve them and be their servant in return too. I am going to try to keep this thought first in my mind.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pastor Cal and two of our girls at His Place, Steffany and Heather.